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Be Happy it's Saturday!

Saturdays mean you get a break from work or school and have time to relax and recharge.

Yes, It's a day to do what we love. a great opportunity to pursue our hobbies and interests, whether reading a book, practicing…

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Afternoon Sweat Session after filming all day

After filming all day at the studio, we arrived home and did some cardio on the treadmill. In our family, self-discipline is essential. No matter how tired we feel, we always persevere.

Actions, thoughts, and behavior lead to improvement and…

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A Man with a purpose always Prevails

When you follow your calling, You wake up daily and do whatever needs to be done with a smile. You are grateful for those who offer support and ignore those who try to bring you down. 

Situations get in your…

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Real Men Have Abs

Abs are rated the sexiest muscle on a man's body. I read this from a study conducted by Western Illinois University. Dedication to exercise and maintaining a good physique goes beyond being a cover model, being in entertainment, or turning…

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Show Everyone's Who's The Boss

You Know you're moving forward in life when you're circle of friends becomes small.  When you enjoy doing what makes you happy regardless of what others think. When waking up daily, tired or full of energy, you are driven by…

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We're under attack by those feeling inferior

The Haters are at it attacking us for whatever they feel will bring us down. 

I can care less what they think, but I do celebrate the fact that when haters attack is because we're moving forward. 

Achievers know it's…

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What is it like waking up next to Sidow Sobrino

We receive emails with endless inappropriate questions daily from all around the globe. But I have to answer this particular one because it made me laugh, and it is only fair that I share it with You since you are…

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The love of my adoring fans means everything to me

Experiencing love the way my adoring fans show me daily ignites a bright flame in me. I'm a man unaffected by negative vibes. Too busy getting things done to be distracted. 

You know my vision; you know what I'm passionate…

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There are days and then There are Days!

This is been one of those weeks full of victories. We've met some amazing individuals that inspire us and share a lot of the same values and ideas we have. The topic we most agree on is living uninhibited and…

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We are at it again

Hi Happy people. After our trip to Paris and Monaco we had some adjusting to do because of Jet Lag. We hope you had time to enjoy the happening now section of our site where we share with You every…

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Joy is written in the stars for us

As the planet of expansion, growth and luck, Jupiter is what gives Sagittarius a carefree and optimistic outlook on life. This is what I learned about myself today.

What we value most is our independence and the ability to do…

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We spent the evening being seduced by Can Can Dancers

Everyone loves a fine dinner and a show. last night at the Moulin Rouge was exceptional. We enjoyed a spectacle full of wonder. Beautiful ladies singing and dancing with Feathers, rhinestones, and sequins plus plenty more surprises, oh la la!

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Bonjour a top la tour Eiffel

We are happy knowing Adolf Hitler when he conquered France, never reached the top of the Eiffel Tower. Mark your calendars, today June 11th 2022 The Sidow-Sobrino's made it to the summit of La Dame de Fer, "the Iron Lady." 

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Our Feet Walked The World's Most Beautiful Avenue

From Place de la Concorde in the east to  the Place Charles de Gaulle in the west, where the Arc de Triomphe is located we strolled down France's last stage, The Avenue des Champs-Élysées




It Was The Mona Lisa's Pleasure to meet us

Today we came face to face with Leonardo da Vinci's most famous painting La Joconde. We also saw the world's largest collection of art.

Standing infront of it all reminded me how I always get whatever I set my mind…

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Happy and Blessed Sunday June 5th

Have a wonderful day, we hope you are enjoying your vacation. We are at church praising and thanking God for his blessings. We wish you an amazing week ahead. 




Too excited to sleep

Are you ever too excited to sleep? I'm experiencing that right now. We're in the middle of the year and it represents a time to work on a lot of projects. Lots need to be taken care of before our…

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Went out shopping

Did a little shopping today. We went out looking for a jacket to wear in Paris. We had a few styles shipped out to the store and this one fit perfectly. The clothes we wear are a celebration of life…

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