It Took a Lot of Work to Become a SAG-AFTRA Member and Now We're On Strike


Becoming a SAG-AFTRA member is a dream come true for many aspiring actors. It takes years of hard work, dedication, and talent to make it in the industry. From countless auditions to acting classes and networking events, we put in immense effort to gain recognition and secure roles.

Not to mention, becoming a SAG-AFTRA member requires a significant financial investment. The initial fees and annual dues can add up quickly, and many actors take on side jobs to make ends meet while pursuing their dreams. Even when actors finally achieve SAG-AFTRA membership, the hard work doesn't stop there. We must continue to prove ourselves to producers, casting directors, and studios and compete for roles against other talented actors.

Unfortunately, the reality of being a SAG-AFTRA member also includes the possibility of going on strike. As the recent negotiations between the union and producers have shown, actors are not afraid to stand up for their rights and demand fair treatment. This can be a difficult and emotional time for all of us, who must balance our passion for the craft with the need for fair pay and working conditions.

Despite the challenges, many of us continue to pursue our dreams and make a living in the industry. With the help of survival jobs, financial planning, and support from fellow actors and the union, it is possible to thrive as a SAG-AFTRA member. By staying true to ourselves and our craft, We can navigate the ups and downs of the industry and find success on our own terms.

At 11:45 today, we received an email to connect via The Union's official YouTube Channel for a press conference.

You'll hear in the news when SAG-AFTRA President Fran Drescher, The National Executive Director Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, and its members approach the media and inform the public on where we stand. I urge everyone who is not Union NOT to take any work from any production company Union or not. If all of us who are protected are dealing with unfair deals, trust me when I tell you, You'll be taken advantage of also and will be burnt out very quickly. 

As for the public, You can help by watching programs, movies, and videos, and listening to songs that feature all of us. That has already been released. This will generate royalties and keep us moving forward with income to provide for our families. For now, I will only be posting here on my personal website You are invited to subscribe and comment. And let me say thank you ahead of time for your support in everything we have achieved. It will be interesting sailing through the uncertainty of our business. But I choose not to saturate social media with every detail. I'm sure you'll see it and hear it all around you. When you choose to visit us here, you're making a personal decision to keep track of how we're doing.

You know me well enough to know I like focusing on the good, the positive, and the miracles God blesses us with. Just this morning My husband Richard and I experienced a blessing when we thought it was a setback. The light at the end of the tunnel always promises something better, bigger, and more beautiful when you believe in God.


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