Our New Music Video "I'm Obsessed with You," Is full of Special Effects

Filming the music video for our most recent single "I'm Obsessed with You," was one of the most exciting adventures I've had to do, we filmed most of our scenes in front of a green screen and used special effects to make the story come to life. The photo above is what the original footage looks like and the image below is what you'll see in the video.

There is way more happening than just this, One of my favorite is the special effects we used for my husband Richard, who plays the role of a fictional character we created, "The Hollywood Angel of Wishes Granted," Mainly because during the story he has smoke around him that was never there in the first place, and as he casts the spells there is star dust that transforms my character from what he currently is to the next level. 

Last but not least, actress Susan Lois Green portrays the obsessed fan, Susan was filmed on location in Pittsburgh, PA by location director Fernando De La Cruz, we told them over a zoom production meeting what we needed and they emailed us the scenes, In the end I can tell you we're all very happy with the final product and can't wait to share it with you. Because of the amount of special effects and some other reasons we went over budget, but it doesn't matter, it's all in the name of entertainment.

So now that you know some fun details and behind the scenes tricks  be ready, on September 28, the music video of “I’m Obsessed with you,” is making it's global debut  Here is a link to the I’m Obsessed with You Music video, I invite you to subscribe to YouTube my channel, 

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