Reflecting on Decades in Showbiz and the Unforgettable Encounters with Extraordinary Souls

As I sit back and reminisce on the many years of my career in Showbiz, I am filled with gratitude for the incredible journey I've had. Throughout this exhilarating ride, I've had the privilege to collaborate with numerous talented artists and rub shoulders with esteemed political figures. Each encounter has been a testament to the power of perseverance and the beauty of unexpected surprises that unfold with every twist and turn.

Yesterday marked another chapter in this remarkable odyssey. The First Congregational Church of Riverside, of which my husband Richard and I are proud members, hosted a forum that afforded us the honor of meeting Mark Takano. Mark Allan Takano, a stalwart of American politics, has dedicated himself to serving California's 41st and 39th congressional districts with unwavering dedication. His commitment to championing LGBTQ+ rights, gun control efforts, and supporting transformative leaders like Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden speaks volumes about his character and values.

Professor Douglas Mitchell, a luminary in education with four decades at UC Riverside Graduate School of Education, arranged Mr. Takano's presence at the forum, adding significance to our encounter. In a light-hearted moment, I serenaded the room with Cher's "Believe" while testing the sound system. Notably, Douglas Mitchell, an esteemed member of our church, has significantly influenced education policy and politics through his groundbreaking research and leadership, leaving a profound impact on future generations of scholars.

As we navigate through the ever-changing landscape of our respective fields, it's essential to acknowledge and celebrate the trailblazers who have paved the way for us. Their contributions, both past and present, serve as beacons of inspiration, guiding us toward a brighter future.

I invite you to join me on this journey of exploration and discovery. Whether it's through a simple search on your favorite search engine or by visiting our website's photo album at, you'll find a treasure trove of memories and encounters with legends—some living, some departed—but all instrumental in shaping the tapestry of our shared experiences.

Together, let's continue to embrace the magic of collaboration, celebrate diversity, and cherish the moments that make this journey in Showbiz truly extraordinary.


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