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Today's Rehearsal is focused on enunciating

You see me here with a pencil in my mouth, because today's rehearsal is more focused on enunciating. When you lightly grip a pencil (horizontally) between your teeth, it helps improve your diction, you are forced to really work your…

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More Rehearsal Was Needed So We're at it!

After recording yesterday, We felt more rehearsal was needed before recording our song. So we scheduled a session this week to review our voices and emotions. It happens that after it is done, it could have been better.

This project…

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My Other Job is being my dog's couch

Our Dog Karmal sits on me, and Richard loves on Roxie. All while watching America's got talent. Balance is Key. We love to entertain and love being entertained. 




Costco Stop

You Love Costco, we love costco  everyone love costco right? Do you costco? 




Always Do What Makes You Happy, I am!

Right now we're inside the recording studio laying down vocals for a new song. I'm going to leave you in suspense a bit and not share the title of the project yet. I'll give you a clue. We're producing it…

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There are days and then There are Days!

This is been one of those weeks full of victories. We've met some amazing individuals that inspire us and share a lot of the same values and ideas we have. The topic we most agree on is living uninhibited and…

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Happy First Day of summer

Summer seems to bring out the best in everyone. The rays of the sun are at their peak. The summer solstice is the longest day of the year. We all feel its energy around us in so many ways. So…

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We started our sweaty routine again

I'm proudly holding my nike reax workout shoes in my hand. Richard and I decided that while traveling we would take time off from our exercise routine. 

But today, rested or not we're back to our discipline. Wohoo!!





We are at it again

Hi Happy people. After our trip to Paris and Monaco we had some adjusting to do because of Jet Lag. We hope you had time to enjoy the happening now section of our site where we share with You every…

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Back to our Headquarters

We're headed home with plenty of footage for our production. Also, we made new memories and learned a lot. We thank everyone in Paris and Monaco who was a part of the adventure. You know who you are because you…

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We're in Monte Carlo Taking Some time Off

We are spoiling ourselves under the Mediterranean sun.  Splish, Splash we're having a blast amongst other of the world's rich and famous at Monaco's Plage du Larvotto in Monte Carlo. And Tonight, dinner in the casino with the elite. Sorry…

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Joy is written in the stars for us

As the planet of expansion, growth and luck, Jupiter is what gives Sagittarius a carefree and optimistic outlook on life. This is what I learned about myself today.

What we value most is our independence and the ability to do…

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We spent the evening being seduced by Can Can Dancers

Everyone loves a fine dinner and a show. last night at the Moulin Rouge was exceptional. We enjoyed a spectacle full of wonder. Beautiful ladies singing and dancing with Feathers, rhinestones, and sequins plus plenty more surprises, oh la la!

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Bonjour a top la tour Eiffel

We are happy knowing Adolf Hitler when he conquered France, never reached the top of the Eiffel Tower. Mark your calendars, today June 11th 2022 The Sidow-Sobrino's made it to the summit of La Dame de Fer, "the Iron Lady." 

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Our Feet Walked The World's Most Beautiful Avenue

From Place de la Concorde in the east to  the Place Charles de Gaulle in the west, where the Arc de Triomphe is located we strolled down France's last stage, The Avenue des Champs-Élysées




We are on board the Big Bus Tour

Sporting a beret, this morning we are traveling around Paris. This time is all about learning of the landmarks that make France beautiful and give it it's rich history.




Third day in Paris, the adventure gets better

Here's a private moment I'm sharing with you, I'm two seconds away from waking up my husband and get going. I will update you with more Paris fun throughout the day. 




We had dinner on the The Seine

For the evening event we hopped aboard a Dinner cruise on the Seine River. Orderves, Main meal, and dessert were all part of the experience.

We ate, we sang and saw the marvels of Paris along the river's bank.





Our Tour Guide Anna enlightened us with wisdom

I have to start this post by saying Anna, I know you will see this, please let us know how to spell your name correctly.

Anna took us around the museum, sharing her knowledge with us. She made the experience…

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It Was The Mona Lisa's Pleasure to meet us

Today we came face to face with Leonardo da Vinci's most famous painting La Joconde. We also saw the world's largest collection of art.

Standing infront of it all reminded me how I always get whatever I set my mind…

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