We ready to Experience the Magic of "Wicked: The Musical


Yes, "Wicked" the movie is coming out soon, and we're thrilled about it, but we're even more excited about experiencing the live show of "Wicked: The Musical". This beloved production offers a fresh perspective on familiar characters, focusing on a…

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Embracing the Gift of Inspiration

Where does inspiration come from? I'm not sure. There's an inexplicable force that takes over one's heart, soul, and mind. You're looking at the he precise moment I walked towards my sound system and started working on a song, I…

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Our Great Three Hour Hot Dog Hunt

Since our return from Italy, Richard and I decided to celebrate the 4th of July with an all-American feast—burgers, hot dogs, chips, and watermelon. Classic, right? But here's where our story takes a twist. You see, we're quite particular about…

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