Academy Award-winning Actress Sally Field yelled "Shut up" to Sidow Sobrino

It's not uncommon for actors to get into character and need to maintain their emotions during a scene. So when actor Sidow Sobrino broke Sally Field's concentration during a scene inside a sound stage, she was understandably frustrated. In fact, she yelled at him to shut up, causing some of the other actors to think she was being rude.

However, they may not have realized that Sidow Sobrino understands the importance of maintaining a character's emotions and not ruining someone's concentration. In fact, he admires Sally Field even more for her commitment to her craft.

Acting requires great focus and dedication; sometimes, actors must do what it takes to stay in character. While yelling at a fellow actor may not be the most polite way to handle the situation, it's important to remember that everyone has their own process and methods for getting into character. Ultimately, the most important thing is delivering a powerful and authentic performance that moves audiences.

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