We're Far from perfect, we struggle, we hurt and cry, but we keep going


You know those moments in life when one is tested over and over? During the month of March and these past weeks, we received insults, threats, and put-downs from complete strangers. 

We have been exhausted from the terrible weather and unable to go outside for natural vitamin D. We experienced our bipolar disorder fluctuating to levels unknown. Richard, my husband, was on the lookout to see if I required medical assistance at any given time, and the commitments with our production company were too heavy to perform. What I can normally accomplish in a few days took me weeks.

The wear and tear of my body and mind was a huge struggle. I cried, hurt a lot, and kept the pain to myself because I would rather you see a strong man who keeps going and doesn't give up. It's a beautiful reminder to remain grounded. I am human, and no matter how hard life gets, I continue building a life with positive choices and a legacy as the man who put a smile on everyone's face and turned life into a never-ending dance party.

The man in the mirror was breaking to pieces, many, many pieces.

Sharing my vulnerable side will give some people much ammunition to attack me. That's ok. I'm a human being. I have weaknesses, and I fight through them every day. This is why you see I changed all our sites with under-construction images. I needed it to rebuild my being, the man in me inside and outside.


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