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It's Been a While


Hi Happy People, It's been a while since our last update, and there's been a lot happening behind the scenes that I'm excited to share with you. Juggling recording music, producing tracks, directing projects, and overseeing our fashion brand has…

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We're Letting the Iron Unleash Our Creative Power

Creating music and matching videos isn't always the smooth, inspired process people imagine. Creativity can be elusive, slipping through your fingers when you need it most. When the ideas stop flowing, I turn to weight training, a powerful form of…

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We remain Forever Grateful For the Doors Modeling opened

At 48, modeling has been pivotal, not just for our image but for investing in our music, videos, and acting. Maintaining peak physical condition is a testament to our self-love and commitment to building our brand. Modeling taught us discipline…

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The Abs Routine That Wouldn't Let Me Sleep

Today, I have to admit, I messed up. Despite intending to kickstart my day with a workout, life threw me off track, and I ended up in bed. Yet, it's now 11:28 PM, and I've managed to redeem myself. Originally…

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A Beautiful Message I Want to Share With You.

As we scrolled through social media this morning, we stumbled upon a beautiful message. I firmly believe that nothing appears randomly; everything we encounter serves a purpose. Sometimes, the messages we come across may not align with our immediate desires…

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No.1 Designs By Sidow Sobrino, "Unleash Your Daring!"

Happy People, We have been working on creating a brand beyond the realms of music and acting, a movement that speaks volumes through wearables. 

No.1 Designs by Sidow Sobrino - The World's No.1 Superstar, is more than just a brand…

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Dance Through Adversity with a Smile

Today is all about the inner warrior, summoning courage from within as we navigate the battlefield of life. Amidst the chaos, we wield our smiles like swords, deflecting negativity and embracing the power of resilience. Each step forward is a…

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We're Getting Ready For 2024

Happy People, Get set for an electrifying 2024! We're bubbling with excitement to connect with all of you as we gear up to release our much-anticipated album, 'My Amir.' 

Brace yourselves for a musical rollercoaster with fresh tracks, captivating videos…

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We started decorating our Christmas Tree!

With December approaching, our family decided to put up our Christmas tree. Sweet Joy, as we call it, will have some new ornaments hanging from its branches this year. 

The tree was put together, and we hung up the lights…

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We're finally home after filming all week.

We spent Thanksgiving in Uniontown, Pennsylvania filming the remaining scenes and collecting B roll footage for our music video HAPPY HALLOWEEN.

Because of the nature of the song and Halloween being in the fall, I felt important to capture the…

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Richard's Health Scare

When our lives are caught up in the whirlwind of daily routines, it's easy to overlook the fragility of our health until an unexpected moment shakes us awake. My husband, Richard Sidow-Sobrino, recently experienced a sudden surge in his heart…

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