I am having too much fun being myself

Sidow Sobrino - The sexiest man aliveWhen I think of the person I am, I scream with joy and praise God for opening my eyes with encouraging lessons. In a world where everyone wishes to fit in, I choose to be an unique individual. But what will people say!? a simple answer to that is "I don't care." It's not my business what people think of me. 

Every day is an adventure with great challenges that leads to successful destinations or destroys our existence. As public as I am, I am also a very reserved individual. Still, one thing you can be sure of is, I am not normal, I have never been, and don't care ever to join the social group that is, I believe It's much more fun to follow our inner drummer and be ourselves.

My hairstyle is how I like it, and I wear clothes that scream I am outlandish; I write songs that describe the outrageous individual I am with messages that inspire and help people grow. I interpret roles in movies and TV series that are powerful and I don't identify with. I do this to escape the world that only cares about living in a bubble of boredom. 

For me, Sidow Sobrino, the thrill always comes first. I always want to stand out—for better or for worse. The word "complacent" isn't in my vocabulary. I am a leader, I was born legendary, and you know, you love it!







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