it's True, Life always follows the direction of your thoughts

Have you ever heard the saying "Life follows the direction of your thoughts!? I am living proof of it, Every day after waking up, I listen to my favorite music, Johann Sebastian Bach is my favorite composer followed by Antonio Vivaldi and others, as I repeat my daily affirmations, I allow the waves of the music transform my every thought with a powerful belief of "I have it now!"

Lately, I have noticed the massive chain of people complaining about everything and everyone around them, Yuck! If you feel the world hates you, the world may not hate you, but you see it as such, so there's the reality of your life and your experience among those around you.

Someone once told me how powerful the word in songs are, since they are mixed with music, they are air waves, usually transmitted by the energy of a radio frequency. Those frequencies are the signals we absorb and release through our singing and the beat of our heart. That's when I decided  every song I write and perform to would have a positive message, both for me and you, the listener. 

For me, it was important to perform to empowering lyrics, since I perform them over and over, I would experience that in great magnitude, for you I want you to feel love, to be encouraged to see life from a perspective of positivity, and when to those messages you add dancing, the movement of your body creates more waves that end up being your life. 

So speak what you want, sing what you want, but remember, whether your world is a dark place in which you are unhappy and experience hate, or like mine, a beautiful world where I am surrounded by blessings and people who only support my creativity you create it with what you think, what you watch, and what you listen to. 

I'm sharing this today because when Richard and I did our morning reading of the holy word, we were reminded of it, and I thought if you don't know, you should. So again, always keep in mind that music is powerful, whether you listen to my songs or any other artist, when you make your playlist, make sure it's something you repeat, that you want manifested. 

Remember, Tuesday August 31, is when my new single "I'm Obsessed with You" will be available worldwide on all music platforms. You can preview the song here today.

God be with you till we meet again, Join my mailing list to stay up-to-date on what I am doing, catch up on our news, listen to my songs, and watch my music videos before they are released for everyone else, find out when you can see me on TV and Movies, discover where I'm performing live, comment on our posts and more...





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